Tag | Entrepreneurs

Is there some “secret sauce” to becoming an entrepreneur?
Recently, someone added me on LinkedIn and sent me a message with a series of questions about how to become an entrepreneur. Will getting a [&hellip

4 Powerful Life & Business Lessons from EO Alchemy
When I attended EO Alchemy this last weekend, I expected to come away with a great deal of business philosophy and plug-and-play operational strategies to [&hellip

What it Means to Fail Fast
A popular saying among entrepreneurs is “fail fast,” or the extended “fail often, fail fast, fail cheaply.” This is a perplexing phrase, especially in the [&hellip

7 Skills We Entrepreneurs Suck At
As an entrepreneur surrounded by entrepreneurs, I’ve become more than acutely aware of the personality traits of entrepreneurs. While a lot of this has shaped [&hellip

10 ‘Easter Egg’ Web Services Every Business Can Use
Not quite in time for Easter, but better late than never! In the automotive enthusiast world, an “easter egg” is a feature of the vehicle [&hellip

6 Geeky Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have
In business, I’ve always found that a broad, diverse range of skills is a leading indicator of success. In small businesses and startups, doubly so. [&hellip