Tag | Advertising

The Cluetrain Manifesto – Manifested Today
With the huge abundance of experts cropping up in the fields of web marketing and social media, I am often surprised by the fact that [&hellip

When it Pays to Salt the Earth in Your Industry
Recently, I was watching reruns of AMC’s incredible drama “Mad Men,” which for those of you who do not know, is about 1960′s Madison Avenue [&hellip

Social Media Secret Weapons
I am often asked how exactly I manage all of the Social Media work I do to promote my self, my business, my EO Chapter, [&hellip

Six Social Media Myths That Are Limiting Your Company’s Success
If “synergy” was the buzz-word of the 1980′s, and “dot-com” was the buzz-phrase of the 1990′s, then “Social Media” is the present-day rendition. Social Media seems [&hellip

6 Business Quotes That Don’t Fly Anymore
I always get a chuckle out of those cliché business tidbits. You know the ones, you see them on the screen at a business learning [&hellip

5 Brilliant Commercials That Elicit Positive Emotion
Well, it’s Friday, and if you feel like I do, you probably want to ride out the rest of the day on YouTube. I don’t [&hellip