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7 Skills We Entrepreneurs Suck At

7 Skills We Entrepreneurs Suck At

June 3, 2011Leave a reply

As an entrepreneur surrounded by entrepreneurs, I’ve become more than acutely aware of the personality traits of entrepreneurs. While a lot of this has shaped

How to Win Friends and Influence People – 70 Years Later (Part 2)

How to Win Friends and Influence People – 70 Years Later (Part 2)

May 29, 20111 Comment

Earlier this year I had the great pleasure of sharing one of my biggest sources of guidance when it comes to people skills. My guide

Lessons in Personal Branding

Lessons in Personal Branding

May 8, 20111 Comment

Last week at the Entrepreneur’s Organization Global Leadership Conference, I had the great pleasure of hearing super-speaker Sasha Strauss give an hour long lecture on

10 ‘Easter Egg’ Web Services Every Business Can Use

10 ‘Easter Egg’ Web Services Every Business Can Use

April 25, 2011Leave a reply

Not quite in time for Easter, but better late than never! In the automotive enthusiast world, an “easter egg” is a feature of the vehicle

6 Business Quotes That Don’t Fly Anymore

6 Business Quotes That Don’t Fly Anymore

April 22, 2011Leave a reply

I always get a chuckle out of those cliché business tidbits. You know the ones, you see them on the screen at a business learning

1 Minute Negotiator

1 Minute Negotiator

April 9, 20111 Comment

In business as in life, almost everything is a negotiation. Whether your goal is to move net 15 to net 30, or getting her to

6 Geeky Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

6 Geeky Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

March 30, 20113 Comments

In business, I’ve always found that a broad, diverse range of skills is a leading indicator of success. In small businesses and startups, doubly so.

5 Brilliant Commercials That Elicit Positive Emotion

5 Brilliant Commercials That Elicit Positive Emotion

March 25, 2011Leave a reply

Well, it’s Friday, and if you feel like I do, you probably want to ride out the rest of the day on YouTube. I don’t

How to Win Friends & Influence People – 70 Years Later (Part 1)

How to Win Friends & Influence People – 70 Years Later (Part 1)

March 22, 20112 Comments

Over 70 years and 15 million copies after it’s initial publication, Dale Carnegie’s legendary How to Win Friends and Influence People is perhaps even more

The 21st Century Guide to Business Etiquette

The 21st Century Guide to Business Etiquette

March 12, 20117 Comments

A few months ago I StumbledUpon (literally) an excellent blog post by Max Andrew Dubinsky, entitled “A Gentleman’s Guide to Staying Cool in the 21st

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