The 21st Century Guide to Business Etiquette

March 12, 2011

A few months ago I StumbledUpon (literally) an excellent blog post by Max Andrew Dubinsky, entitled “A Gentleman’s Guide to Staying Cool in the 21st Century.” As I dug further, I happened upon it’s predecessor, “A Gentleman’s Guide to the 21st Century.” I was immediately and wholly impressed not only by the tastefulness but also the ease of implementation of these tidbits, and set about applying them to my own life – with fantastic results.

So it is in homage of Max’s posts that I submit to you…

That’s a pretty good laundry list to start. There are certainly a lot more nit-picky bits of etiquette I’m sure to ramble about down the line (just wait till I start on the use of language in business interactions…), but for now, I encourage you to digest these, comment on them, and hopefully, implement them into your own professional (and personal) lives.


6 Responses to “The 21st Century Guide to Business Etiquette”

  1. Dean says:

    Words of wisdom.

  2. Nathan P. says:

    Excellent tips. I especially like “Prioritize”. Nothing more aggravating than someone who can’t find the time to get important things done because the are too busy sweating the small stuff.

    A mentor of mine once explained it to me (while in my late teens) like: Imagine you have a cup that you need to fill with a certain amount of sand and rocks. Put the sand in first and the rocks flood the cup. Put the rocks in first and the sand gently finds its place.

    I have found this advice particularly useful. Take care of what is most important first, then deal with all the small stuff. I see so many people completely overwhelmed because they lack this seemingly simple skill. Prioritize!

  3. Blonda says:

    Def agree on that voicemail biz. I hate listening to em bc when I call the person they are just gna repeat everything over again. Missed call = call back. Its that simple!

  4. How to Win Friends and Influence People – 70 Years Later (Part 1) « Lucid Path Consulting says:

    [...] you. Now think about how grateful you are to have them. Do they know? As I mentioned in my earlier guide to business etiquette, it is imperative that you celebrate and appreciate the people you live, [...]

  5. Meir says:

    I am very impressed with the advises which can be used in everyday life. It provides good & practical advise. Simple and wise.
    excellent and poignant blog.

    Thanks Jonathan.

  6. heidi says:

    Two things:

    Smile every time you go to a business. Went to a job interview at a very large corp. buiding with security lines, etc. My interviewer was waiting near the check in desk to see how i interacted with the security staff. Ya never know if they are watching with cameras nowadays…be careful what you say to the “help”–

    ON the sand and rock comment–after the rocks then sand, always remember you have room for a cup of coffee with a friend and don’t say no when they ask to see you!


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  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People – 70 Years Later (Part 1) « Lucid Path Consulting

    [...] you. Now think about how grateful you are to have them. Do they know? As I mentioned in my earlier guide to business etiquette, it is imperative that you celebrate and appreciate the people you live, [...]